Thursday, March 11, 2010

Flaming Poop Cake

It was a Friday night. I had just gotten off work. The hubby was returning from a week long business trip. What to do? What to do? Me and V decided to throw an impromptu birthday party for the hubs. It started off fine, but when you mix fresh organic veggies and artificially flavored margaritas you end up with a little bit of crazy...and so, the flaming shit cake was born. You know, cuz nothing says "I love you" like flaming poo.
© 2010 CJH


  1. HA HA!! That was great, I hope there was a good birthday in there! I wanted to finally stop by and tell you that I liked your toilet-mine was the potty training one with the martini glass and buttpaste-I think we had fun! I am now following you!

  2. I'm glad someone liked my toilet ;) I may have to post it on here. Still learning about blogging.

  3. That is the best! you are too funny, love ya girl!!


She who laughs first has the dirtiest mind...