Tuesday, March 02, 2010

My Kids Are Cooler Than Your Kids

It was another one of those days where I looked at my laundry list of chores to be accomplished and felt defeated. It seems to me that no matter how much I clean, I have children following me around hell bent on making it look like I haven't cleaned in weeks! *not cool, I know* But, somehow, my boys always seem to find a way to redeem themselves. And that is why my kids are cooler than your kids.
Let me elaborate... dragging myself out of bed feeling sorry for myself, I hear a ruckus coming from the middle child's room *my boys' names all start with W's, so from now on I will refer to them as W1, W2, and W3* Anyway... there was some awful, but intriguing, noise coming from W2's room. Most of the time it is a frightening experience investigating loud noises from my boys' rooms, but alas I had to check. I open the door and peek in the room and, to my delight, my rockstar kids are putting a full-on rock performance of Iron Maiden's 'Hallowed Be Thy Name' for me in their room. *Bonus points for singing my favorite metal song of all time* W1 is the lead singer *using my hairbrush as a microphone* W2 is on drums *turned over toy buckets with the toys tossed out of them* and W3 is a crazy background dancer *AKA running around in circles* Even though I highly suspect my kids are trying to send me to an early grave most days, I am lucky to have the coolest kids ever *cooler than yours, even*
Feast your eyes on the coolest kids on the block:

© 2010 CJH

1 comment:

She who laughs first has the dirtiest mind...